Friday, July 15, 2005

It's Frday


Can’t wait to get the weekend started. No plans or anything just can’t wait to get away from work for a couple of days. We’ve been really busy which is good, but stressful. The one thing that I have to do this weekend is cut the grass. I'ts been two weeks since I cut it last. I can't catch a break from the rain. Everyday in the afternoon, last weekend it rained off and on both days. Needless to say, it's pretty high.

We practiced last night. Started off with the originals, then went through all the covers. Everything sounded great. Things are really coming along. My finger was fine the entire time we were playing. I guess I just needed to work it out, and some of these tunes are pretty challenging, that helps. So I’m guessing it’s not arthritis, maybe tendonitis? It isn’t really bothering me now.


Has anyone seen this crap yet? What a freaking joke!! ROCK? These are the people that were too old to get on American Idol. They should just called it POP STAR. And INXS is not a band I think of when I hear the word Rock… do these people really want to be the lead sing for INXS? What has INXS been doing the last 6 years? And what the hell is Dave Navarro doing there? I have lots of questions. You have to be pretty desperate to get out there on national TV and kiss the ass of a washed up band. I’ve been playing and writing music for a long time now, ever since I was a kid. I think I reached a point in my life around the age of 28, where making it big (whatever that may be) was not as important as playing the music you really love… at this stage in the game, there’s no way I would compromise. I’d rather be playing in a warehouse sweating my ass off playing and making music that I love with my friends than play some crap to impress a record co rep. I guess it’s got a lot to do with what kind of music you like. If you like the stuff they’re playing on the radio today, then go for it. Since I hate most popular music, not all of it, but most, I could never get a record contract with a major label without making some big changes to what we’re doing. Enough of that.

1 comment:

jzanko said...

You should record your new stuff soon, put it on a disk to let John and I learn it so we can play when you come down in Aug. We can use my warehouse. Maybe record some.