Thursday, June 16, 2005

High On Fire

I was talking to my friend Geoff last night on the phone, and of course we started discussing bands and how the radio is really un-listenable anymore. He told me to check out High on Fire. So I ended up downloading Surrounded By Thieves off Newsgroups. Great stuff and heavy as hell - Melvins meets Neurosis meets Motorhead. I've already listened to Surrounded By Thieves three times. So when I got to work this morning I jumped on ITunes and grabbed Blessed Black Wings. Much better quality recording, and a better record all together.

So Geoff If you read this, excellent recommendation!! And don’t worry about burning me a copy. But I'll take a copy of some of the other stuff you told me about.


Anonymous said...

Hey, dude, very cool! I'll sift through my new stuff and ship some stuff your way ...

And for anyone reading this, please beg this man, Orlando's best bassist (and one of the best anywhere, honestly) to play a gig or two now and then!


jzanko said...

Thanks Geoff!! always looking for new music to check out.